<CATEGORY [module="module name"] [fatherID="number"]>
<LABEL languageID="language code">string</LABEL>*
module: the type of elements which the category will be used for (indicative).
fatherID: the ID of parent category
UNIQUENAME: the technical name of the category. Cannot be changed afterwards.
ISASSIGNABLE: whether the category can be assigned or is only a structural category (parent of other subcategories that can be assigned)
LABEL: the translations of the category's name. The languageID attribute indicates in which language. Multiple LABELs in different languages are allowed.
Create a category. Category is a service available to all type of elements. A category can be assigned to an element and all elements in a category can be retrieved.
<CATEGORY module="media">
<LABEL languageID="fre">Rock</LABEL>
<LABEL languageID="eng">Rock-n'-Roll</LABEL>
Create a simple root category, dedicated to the MEDIA elements
<CATEGORY module="media" fatherID="1">
<LABEL languageID="fre">Rock punk</LABEL>
<LABEL languageID="eng">Punk rock</LABEL>
Create a subcategory of the first one
<CATEGORY module="contact">
<LABEL languageID="fre">Ingénieur</LABEL>
<LABEL languageID="eng">Engineer</LABEL>
Create a category dedicated to the CONTACT elements
<CATEGORY module="contact">
<LABEL languageID="fre">Finance</LABEL>
<LABEL languageID="eng">Finance</LABEL>
Create a category that cannot be assigned to elements. It will contain other subcategories that will be assignable.