<FIELD ID="number">
<CREATIONDATE>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss</CREATIONDATE><!-- automatically filled by Sushee -->
<MODIFICATIONDATE>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss</MODIFICATIONDATE><!-- automatically filled by Sushee -->
<MODULE>name of a module</MODULE>
<SQLTYPE>MySQL type</SQLTYPE><!-- automatically filled by Sushee, if not given -->
<LISTNAME>text</LISTNAME><!-- will be used in the advanced search of Officity vi to display a list of possible values-->
<SEARCHABLE>boolean</SEARCHABLE><!-- tells Officity vi whether it should display the field in the advanced search -->
MODULE: the object will be added to this object
DENOMINATION: The name of the field, in uppercase.
FIELDNAME: the name of the field.
TYPE: a keyword describing which kind of information the field will contain. The TYPE is casted on a matching SQLTYPE.
SQLTYPE: the real SQL type used in the database. If not provided, Sushee chooses what suits best.
DEFAULTVALUE: the default value of the field when no value is no provided when creating a new element.
This object can be used to add new fields on your object types (aka MODULE).
Fields added on object extension are prefixed with the object name :
A `Type` field on a module bma:employee (extending contact) becomes `bma:employee_Type`.
Create the new type of object :
Create the new fields on this object :
<TITLE>Pepsi-Cola website</TITLE>
See also :
Create your own objects