<CAPTCHA [background-color="color" font-size="number" color="color" padding-left="number" padding-right="number" padding-top="number" padding-bottom="number"]/>
background-color: the background color of the image, behind the text, in hexadecimal
font-size: the size of the text
color: the color of the text, in hexadecimal
padding-left: the space at the left of the text, in pixels
padding-right: the space at the right of the text, in pixels
padding-top: the space over the text, in pixels
padding-bottom: the space below the text, in pixels
The Nectil path to a image file representing a distorted text, preventing robots to automatically fill forms on your website to publish unsollicited advertisings by verifying the visitor is human (because he can guess what the text is even if it's distorted). This functionnality is usually called captcha.
<CAPTCHA background-color="#993C96" font-size="24" color="white" padding-left="30" padding-right="30" padding-top="4" padding-bottom="4"/>