<GET name="countries"><COUNTRIES [languageID="..."] [ID="3 letters ISO code"]/></GET>
languageID : the language in which you want the country name to be returned (optional).
ID : the 3 letters ISO code of the country you want the datas (optional).
Select countries list for any usages.
Select countries list according to the current language or a specific language id languageID is specified.
You will receive a list of COUNTRY node containing 2 attributes :
- ID: ISO 3-letters official ID (lower-case)
- ISO2: ISO 2-letter official ID (lower-case)
And 2 values :
- UNIVERSAL: if the country have a universal name in the database (in mother-language)
- LABEL: the translated name of the country
If you need the universal value and this value is not in our database, ask the support to add it.
Note: <GET/> is equivalent of <SEARCH />
Download the list of countries as an Excel file (CSV).
To build a list of countries in your HTML forms, add this query to your page:
<GET name="countries"><COUNTRIES [languageID="..."]/></GET>
You will recieve this list:
<RESULTS name="countries">
<COUNTRY ID="afg" ISO2="af">
<COUNTRY ID="ala" ISO2="ax">
<LABEL>Iles d'Åland</LABEL>
<COUNTRY ID="alb" ISO2="al">
<COUNTRY ID="dza" ISO2="dz">